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©2024 V.J. Allison Art. All Rights Reserved. NO USE PERIOD!
©2024 V.J. Allison Art. No use without written permission from designer.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Where'd November Go? (YIKES!)

It’s been a while since I’ve updated y’all on how things are going here. It’s a long list Let’s get to it!


COVID’s Arrow…


I got the rights back to COVID’s Arrow at the beginning of the month, meaning I can do whatever I want with it. Since it’s only 2900 words, it’s too short to be sent off to any publishers. I’m not going to add to it. As far as I’m concerned, Vicki and Mason’s story is finished and they’re having a lovely life together. I’m scared of messing it up by adding to it anyway. It’s a short, sweet romance that showcases my writing ability and how easy I can write something on the fly if need be. It’s not professionally edited either. Just myself and Cameron making sure it was clean enough to go.

I’ve decided that for the month of December (and today), if anyone purchases a copy of any of my books from any site (eXtasy Books, Amazon, Kobo, etc), and sends me proof of purchase via Facebook (screenshot with date visible), I will send them a digital copy of COVID’s Arrow for free, as a thank you for buying one of my books.


New Logo!

I’ve created a new logo. Thanks to a dear friend telling me about a few things related to graphics design, I found some amazing sites that have tons of goodies like stock photos (with full licensing, meaning I can use them as book covers to sell to clients!), and a mother-load of clipart, fonts, and other delicious items for Veridian Rose Designs.

I love roses, notably purple ones (my favorite color), so finding a bunch of PNG clipart ones on a site was a huge jackpot! Check it out!

This is a JPEG file so it shows up on the black background. Normally it would be on a clear background but the website bit wouldn't show up at all here. 

I love it. This is close to what I wanted from the get go but couldn’t find a rose that worked properly in dark purple. Not bad for a couple of dollars at a design site, eh?


Queen City Romance


Speaking of logos, one of my best pals at eXtasy Books, Cameron Allie, is planning to host a romance convention in Toronto, Ontario sometime in 2026 or thereabouts. She’s starting to see how many people are interested in it, including several of us eXtasy Books and Devine Destinies authors. So far, there’s a number of us hoping to go yes, I hope to make it too! and plenty of other amazing authors, Indie and Trad alike.

Cameron asked me to design the logo for it. We decided that simple yet pretty was the most effective for it.

Again, it is a JPEG file so it shows everything on the black background.

I think it’s gorgeous but that’s me. She’s happy with it, that’s what counts.

There is a group for all interested parties, but this is just the first stage of it. Interest forms will be posted sometime in early 2021. I’ll post the link to that when things are ready to go on her end.

I’ve never been to Toronto, so it would be so much fun if I could make it! I’ve already met a lot of my fellow eX/DD authors via webcam chats (I have a webcam and cable internet with WiFi), but to actually see them in person and be able to hug them is going to be even better! Toronto is also home to the Hockey Hall of Fame, and of course my boys, the Toronto Maple Leafs! SQUEE! I want to visit Maple Leaf Gardens! I’d love to go to a game while there, but the seats are expensive, even up in the nosebleed section. Another time!

And NO, I do not plan on going up the Canadian National Tower. That’s way, way too high for this author chick! *twitch!*

However, I am up to a boating adventure around Niagara Falls. My mom was on the American side of the falls and loved it!

Sweet Child of Mine


Sweet Child of Mine has been edited, and our Proofer, Bri, sent me her copy over the weekend. It’s been looked over and I’ve approved all of her suggestions. It’s just a matter of her putting her stamp on it, and it’s off to the uploader to be published!

So far, eXtasy Books site is saying a publication date of December 25, 2020, but that can change, fast. At the moment you can only add it to your wish list at eXtasy Books’ main site, but it should be up for preorder within the next couple of weeks.

It’s not going to be out in paperback. It’s too short. eX/DD only does PODs for books 20K and over. Sweet Child is only 11K. I’m not upset over it. Honestly, this is my fourth book. I can easily get postcards made up with the cover and sign things that way. Swag, anyone? (It’s something that I’m considering in the spring!) 

Add it to your wish list at eXtasy Books now: https://www.extasybooks.com/v-j-allison/978-1-4874-3069-6-sweet-child-of-mine/




I’ve been playing in GIMP a lot lately Although, in time, I’m going to get another, newer and faster system so I can do Photoshop! I’ve been creating new and fun banners for my promotional works, and I’ve created a few for Sweet Child of Mine. Check them out!

Both are created using elements that I have licensing for.  

I hope to get a few made for the Feathered Tartan series once I catch my breath. This time of year is always crazy but toss in a book coming out, and it’s a thousand times more insane.


Feathered Tartan 3


I’m still plugging along in this one. Slowly. It’s not going as fast as planned, due to November being insane I had a number of medical appointments, and I was running a lot of errands because Hubby is working 40+ hours a week at his new job and odd shifts I’m up to the eyeballs in promos, banners, and everything else for Sweet Child of Mine release, and I just haven’t really had the time to sit down and write Hell, I had even joined NaNoWriMo to see if I could get more added to the manuscript. Nope. I didn’t get 10K added this month. Fail! (I used a completely different name for NaNo’s site, one I never used before and doesn’t line up with me or anything else, and it’s not a public profile. No, I do not feel like sharing it, thank you)

I tried, right? Next year. I’m not sure. I have to see what’s on my plate before I even think about NaNo again! It was fun having tons of friends there and it’s great for support. People over there are amazing! I highly recommend it to any writer, new or old.

Veridian Rose Designs 

I've been asked to do book covers. I cannot. Not right now, not until I get a better system and more stock with full licensing. You see, you have to pay to use photos from stock sites for e-book covers, etc., and it’s not cheap. Sometimes you can hit a sale at a stock site but that’s for your own use. In order to be able to sell stuff made from those photos on stock sites like Adobe Stock, you have to have an Extended License, which is quite expensive. The site I mostly use now charges $89 USD for one photo with extended licensing.

To keep costs down, I’m not offering book covers unless it’s for someone I know and trust, and who doesn’t mind me using some of the stock I have full licensing for. If I had to use something from the aforementioned site, I’d have to charge at least $300 USD for one cover, to cover my expenses, time spent on the project, and other materials. That’s a bit expensive for a lot of the authors I know.

If I downloaded a photo off that site or any other that required an extended license and used it in something I made for a client that I was paid for, I could be facing legal issues.

For the record, you cannot download something off the internet and use it as a book cover or something for sale. It’s illegal. Even things like wallpapers may have a copyright. Once again, I learned this from my graphics design friends, and I'm glad they gave me the warning. I may have done a huge OOPS!

If you want to design your own book covers, either purchase a bundle like I did, or get a bundle sale at one of the reputable and well known stock photo/vector sites. Or contact the photographer and purchase the rights directly from them.

Do not use the free stock sites. They are for making your own ads, banners, etc only. You can be in deep trouble for using something like that for book covers. 

That’s why I’m not doing book covers at the moment… Well, not anyone else’s. I designed the current one for COVID’s Arrow and that may change once I find the right one for it on my favorite stock site… Which I can use without an extended license, thank heavens!

Just check copyrights on things before using them… Or continuing to use something that may have expired a few years ago.

Don’t land in hot water people!


A Note about the Pandemic


We are in our second wave of COVID 19 in Nova Scotia. I would like to remind everyone that although cases here are on the rise again, we did flatten the curve once, and we will do it again. We’re Nova Scotians. We’re strong, and we can handle this.

Wear your masks, keep at least 2 meters away from people you’re not bubbling with, wash your hands, and stay as close to home as you can in your own zone when you are not working, going to school or attending medical appointments. It’s our responsibility as Canadians to keep the spread down as much as possible.

Stay safe and have a great week everyone!

I leave you with a flashback to the hair band era Sister Christian by Night Ranger. Enjoy!

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